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Thurston Woods Village is a not-for-profit retirement community featuring a wide variety of housing, services, and quality health care for our seniors.

A History of Caring

The history of this beautiful facility began with the idea of Alta Schrock, who envisioned a nursing home to be created in an empty building owned by Clifford and Alfred Froh. The suggestion was put into the hearts of the Mennonite Board of Missions in Iowa. They purchased the building and 80 acres of land from the Froh brothers for $1. Today, Thurston Woods Village continues to be sponsored by Mennonite Health Services; while they do not support financially, they do assist in approving the Board of Directors, the CEO, and any changes in the bylaws of the corporation.

In 1953, the old Froh Homestead opened its doors as a nursing home accommodating 35 “guests” with housing room for eight to ten workers. Eventually, the need outgrew the facility, and in 1968, the home was moved from the U.S. 12 building into Sturgis. Licensed as Froh Community Home, there was room for 66 residents. In 1976, expansion was completed to allow space for 118 residents.

In 1985, Thurston Woods Village incorporated and became a retirement community. The Villa, a 60-unit home for the aged, was added, along with a 33-unit, rent-subsidized apartment complex.

In response to the need for independent housing with services, the Village Homes duplexes and Gables apartments project started in 2000 and today consists of 6 apartment buildings (36 apartments) and 15 duplex buildings (30 homes), with room for expansion.


Thurston Woods Village is continually seeking ways to improve its services and respond to changing community needs. We recognize the growing demand for home and community-based services and are exploring opportunities for future growth in this area.

Today, Thurston Woods Village serves 230 residents at various levels of care, employs 200 plus individuals, and maintains over 25 buildings on more than 100 acres of land. Governed by a local Board of Directors, whose members serve in a volunteer capacity. New members of the Board are vetted and approved by the Board as a whole to ensure that we continue to advance the Mission of Thurston Woods Village and to provide a secure future to benefit our community for years to come.


As a not-for-profit, faith-based organization, one of our core values is Stewardship – a commitment to responsibly and effectively manage our financial resources.

In line with this philosophy, we strive to keep rates and charges as low as possible while ensuring we generate sufficient income to maintain our property, provide high-quality care and services, and remain competitive.

The Gables Apartments and Village Homes Duplexes are available for purchase or rent, depending on your needs and preferences.

Thurston Woods Village participates in several payment programs, including HUD, Medicare, and Medicaid.

Our Vision

We will be at the forefront of providing comprehensive, fulfilling senior living services that inspire a positive change in our community. 
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